Mankind: A Dying Species (literally)

What we’re watching occur live in the Middle East, being made, willingly or not, casual witnesses to unthinkable death, destruction, and brutality at all levels, thanks mostly to efficient news outlets, only serves to remind us, brutal man v. man violence is what makes the world go round.

But not to worry; the current pledged extermination of yet another people (genocide), including women, children, elders is but a sad reenactment, a typical representation of inhumanity at it’s worse.

This continuation of  incomprehensible human behaviors acted out against fellow humans, with calculated proficiency, dates back to pre-Hammurabi’s legions, evolving to spectacular (despicable) events as church sponsored witch hunts, accounting for an untold number of dead women (and men); dead by way of burning alive at the stake, boiling alive in vats of oil, and the (always entertaining) pouring of boiling oils, by the priest himself, into orifices, including eyes, mouth, and vagina, and yes, while she was yet alive.

Of course, because hunting down and disposing of a witch was expensive, the woman’s, excuse me, the witch’s land, home, livestock, and bank accounts were seized to offset the expenses incurred by the church.

The priest and his entourage had to be fed and housed, and the professional torturer, contracted to deal with the witch, had his fees, required implements of torture, and, of course, travel expenses.

The whole nasty affair was not cheap. The event could and often would take on a carnival atmosphere, drawing most of the village residents, as the physical torture of the alleged witch took center stage (the public square).

Typically beginning with lashes using fresh, wet leather straps, the relentless striking continued until the helpless woman succumbed to unconsciousness. Revived, the careful application of thumb screws, the ever popular leg crushers, and, of course, pouring of the boiling oil in such a way as to cause blood curling screams of agony, and, not surprisingly, dare I say, miraculously simultaneously causing instantaneous conversion of non-believers in the observing crowd; true and eager believers who now raised their hands in sanctimonious heart felt prayers and hymns.

The grand finale found the hapless lass strapped to a pole, the infamous breast rippers strapped to her chest, each slow turn of the screws digging, raking, pealing her flesh from her ribs, leaving her breasts dangling in evidence of what evil looked like defeated by Holiness.

Unbelievably, still alive, the damned witch was ignited to slowly burn to the cheers of the now blessed on-lookers.

While these witch hunts, the acts of these most Holy of God’s servants were great for promoting God’s tender love of the meek and obedient (this category did not include women as women were, at the time, considered the agents of Satan, the very gateway to Hell itself), the Holy man, unrestrained, allowed his imagination to conjured up other effective (popular) methods to assert peace on Earth; as we are witnessing in the Middle East today.

The Holy Crusades were instrumental in ensuring ALL men, women, and children bowed and prayed as demanded by this unseen, unheard, omniscient perfect LOVING god, and as enforced by sinless knights (mostly Catholics) in shiny armour. Those opposing these perfect chosen knights (mostly Muslims), literally lost their heads. One such knight, Sir Reynald de Chatillon, a.k.a., God’s Wolf, was listed as possibly the most notorious crusader to have swung a sword in the name of righteousness.

For large scale elimination of disobedient peoples, fine upstanding (modern) righteous men devised cleansing atomic bombs, which were dropped on highly populated, major cities.
Granted , these bombs lacked a certain preciseness as to who exactly was being eliminated, but let’s be honest, war is not a precision endeavor; besides, the resulting mushroom cloud with it’s fallout was pretty damn impressive!

This “Kill ’em! Kill ’em all! Let God sort them out!” (allegedly from the Albigensian Crusade) mentality was also evident with the spraying of copious amounts of deadly chemicals on adversaries (peoples who dare to think and believed differently than God’s people, whoever they are).

Agent Orange and napalm (an ingenious highly flammable sticky gasoline and soap jell concoction that would stick to and burn whatever it contacted) were “chemical weapons” used in Southeast Asia, as well as other conflicts.

In that these poisons were sprayed indiscriminately over villages, farm lands, and forests, harboring innocent women, children, and elders, the effective elimination of countless (Godless) Heathens, all true threats to Holy democracies (undefined) was accomplished.

The heathen babies napalm didn’t reach were eventually killed by incendiary bombs, flamethrowers, rifle fire and bayonets.

So, to be clear, presently, the Isreali, the self-proclaimed chosen patriarchs of everything Holy and sacred, ARE NOT raining deadly chemicals upon the infidels (yet), they’re only raining hospital and elementary school leveling bombs and rockets, and quite effectively, racking up a whopping 12,000 body count to date (mostly) dangerous and threatening women, children, and elders. But the best news is plenty of other perfect Christian governments have the Isreali’s backs.

The undeniable fact remains: man is, and will forever be, a warring species. A species that has no problem, in fact, thrives, feeds, salivates on physically punishing, battering, butchering, inviscerating, incinerating, even crucifying another man, boiling a Satanic linked subhuman woman, eviscerating a newborn baby, for no other reason than to prove he can.

Even in domestic existence, man always has, always will fine reason to batter, rape, murder the woman he loves to hate, loves to dominate, loves to punish for no other reason than he’s a man and she’s not.

When this occurs within a marriage, a boyfriend/girlfriend, father/daughter senario, then the beating becomes an excusable, simple crime of passion. (Go figure.)

The sad bottom line here is man will NEVER exist in benevolence with other humans.

If you are one of those who requires historical evidence to believe what you read, Google the European/US witch hunts, the Nanjing Massacre, the Holy Crusades, and, of course, the genocidal efforts of invading Europeans against the Indigenous people of Turtle Island (a.k.a., America), which dwarfed the later efforts of the Nazis genocidal efforts against the Jewish people.

If you like/prefer docu-films, check out City of Life and Death (Lu Chuan, 2011), an award winning documentation of the Nanjing massacre.

The bottom line is any and all nations/governments built on the ever popular (brutal) invade, conquer, and colonize philosophy are unstable and subject to eventual replacement by an (inevitable) stronger internal and/or external force.

The Philippines is the perfect example of a (Spanish) occupied nation regaining their independence; they later expelled the Americans as well. The Vietnamese repelled their French colonist (French Indo-China) and American forces, who were further supported by Australia, New Zealand, France, the UK, Pakistan, Thailand and the Philippines. The country is struggling after it’s (almost) 20 years of war, but reportedly improving.

Indigenous citizens are watching the American government fall apart at the seams internally, which begs for recital (by many indigenous nations) of those three words of encouragement: “Never say never!”

Have a peaceful day!

Banned! Banned! You’re (Not Necessarily) Dead…

As a long time classroom educator, I can unequivocally say there is no such thing as a BANNED BOOK, no matter the topic, no matter the author, no matter the illustrations.

But sadly, there are those ignorant individuals who want YOU to believe there are those books which need to be kept away from the reading public for no other reason(s) THEY don’t agree with the topic and/or content.

This is pure unadulterated bullshit.

Every academic year, I observed first hand, and many, many times ENCOURAGED what can only be described as an intrinsic appetite for knowledge and understanding in children, not to mention a fair level of human resistance (and rebellion) to fraudulent attempts at mental manipulation (lies).

Yes, kids of all ages know when they are being lied to, especially by teachers.

Nutjobs like Desantis (nothing personal, I could reach into a hat of GOP names as they would all fit here), are so DELUSIONAL they actually believe THEY have the political right and power and influence to DICTATE to American parents what their child can and cannot learn about their environment; DICTATE what their child can and cannot READ for personal edification and emotional growth.

People, THIS defines DELUSIONAL thinking!

Compliance on the part of ANY PARENT to these ludicrous demand(s) IS NOT an affirmation of a politicians stance for America, rather an unpresidented BLATANT SUPPRESSION of American children.

If the WRONG politicians succeed in rising to positions of power based on these ridiculous (psychotic) assertions they will, first and foremost, succeed in making FOOLS of those who voted for them; and later, of themselves as social opposition grows and their buffoonery backfires.

This country already has campuses conducting business in this way; they’re known as parochial schools; and these schools would welcome any parents money, excuse me, child.

Just FYI, labeling a book, be it a novel, a text book, or reference work as INAPPROPRIATE, labeling a course of study as BANNED for no other reason than it REVEALS truthful (embarrassing) events, only drives curious learners to that work.

Anyone who vehemently denies truth to a child must understand the child will eventually be exposed to that truth and know they were lied to; so again, don’t be the knucklehead caught in a lie because some politician said it was for the good of the country; reminder, politicians only know what’s good for them.

Let me make it absolutely clear; ANYONE thinking of supporting one of these ‘holier than thou,’ ‘you will do it my way,’ ‘I will tell you what you AND your kid will read, study, and believe’ candidates WILL NOT be supporting a democracy, rather a wannabe Third Reich political party, which once in place, will evolve into an absolute castastrophy. And with this there will definitely be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Off to Vote I Go

The foremost RESPONSIBILITY of a political leader is to ADVANCE a societies infrastructure AND citizenry; NOT to strong arm the society into REGRESSION and DEGRADATION.

Sadly, the strong (boisterous) wannabe men, sitting as members of the legislature, city, county, state and country, are about as ignorant of the true purpose of politics as they come; sadder still are the weak men, who simply follow the leader.

This is not because they don’t have a voice, but because they don’t have the BALLS to express their INDEPENDENT desires, strive to meet the PROMISES made to hopeful CONSTITUENTS, address the agendas of the district representing.

For this reason, mothers, sisters, daughters, including their own, will be nothing but “temples built over a sewer” (Tertullian BS).

Oh, and incidentally, LGBTQS, trans, Intersex, bi citizens, are an INTEGRAL element of ALL societies, since the first society, as well as a porportionate percentage of ALL political houses/fraternities, who WILL eventually come out either by choice or scandal, or simply tiring of the hypocrisy.

This COMING OUT will NOT be a sign of weakness, nor deficiency, nor fragility. It will FINALLY reflect honesty in presence, credibility in word, and fastidious in service.

The bottom line message here? Simple. Don’t waste your vote on some unscrupulous phoney “political party,” vote for your SOCIETY, damaged that it is.


Sadly, America is at a crossroads which could/will, in some way(s), dampen any planned celebration for the country’s three hundredth birthday.

More, some issues have been in place since day one and NEVER effectively addressed much less resolved. Curious.

Up front and center is the inability of the American colonists to shake off the whole white supermacy thing. Then there’s the glaring fact that the TRUE owners of this land, the NATIVE citizens, the Indigenous HUMANS who have lived on this land for thousands and THOUSANDS of years are still sequestered/confined/restricted on Reservations and denied basic needs and services.

These issues (and the list is long), isn’t limited to culture association, color of skin, or heavy accent, it pertains to an inability, or the flat out refusal on the part of the Exective Branch, the Legislative branch, the Judicial branch to ACCEPT that it isn’t 1776 anymore and it’s time to accept REALITY.

The truth is known; the truth has ALWAYS been known, it’s just that rather than fess up to that TRUTH, such as the silly fabrication of the discovery of America myth, the fabled Thanksgiving CELEBRATION, the tall tales the likes of a Pocahontas (not her real name), and others, are in actuallity stories of child abductions, repetitive child rapes, and ultimately, the cold blooded murder of Indigenous women and children. (The last is a post of its own.)

Just as revolting was the eventual capture, shackling, and movement of humans in overloaded ships; this unfathomable trade of human flesh is still big business in this country, and by the looks of it, always will be.

The animalistic IMPORTATION of African citizens, for no other reasons than to fulfill the demands for slave labor, was NOT limited to Africans. Members of many cultures were enslaved as common chattel, bonded slaves, forced labour, and of course, sexual slavery.

These forms of slavery still thrive in America today, especially child abduction and prostitution.

Sadly, it’s during great American events, such as super bowls and TERCENTENARY celebrations that abducted children are in greatest demand by pedophiles.

Possibly the greatest farce still embraced by the American intellectually deficient is the belief that America is a Christian nation.

If you understand anything within this post, UNDERSTAND this; America IS NOT a Christian nation. Never has been; never will be.

Yes, there are self proclaimed Christians existing within the borders of America; I know this first hand, I’m related to several. Granted, one would be hard pressed to recognize these BELIEVERS by their personal behaviors; the truth is, the same could be said for the top 10 organized religions in the country. My personal observation is RELIGIOUS people know when to act the part and when to act the fool.

ALL religions within these borders should be respected. NO religion within these borders should be considered the religion of the land, subjecting all that reside in the country to it’s (convenient) ludicrous doctrines.

The next bothersome issue is the current trend to elect some of the most UNQUALIFIED BUFFOONS to serve in Congress and the Senate. Now, I have friends in Georgia, Colorado, and New York, and I believe the people of those states will soon enough CORRECT their obvious mistakes with level headed replacements.

To be fair, there also seems to be a trend to reelect some of the oldest, barely breathing members. Term limitations are long OVERDUE.

Finally, we cannot ignore the Presidency; for there is the clear notion that the only people eligible for the highest public office must be equally qualified for the closest nursing home. Clear and present senility, ranting, and raving, presenting delusional is not presidential.

I guess what I’m trying to say with all this is, birthday celebrations, whether for a individual or a country, are supposed to highlight POSITIVE advancement, not steady DETERIORATION across the board.

As an indigenous citizen, our ancestors actually foretold of the trials and tribulations any invading force would have to contend with on occupying our lands; especially by force. However, watching America struggle as it is under 250 years of age is daunting.

Drowning Women and Babies is Biblical! Get over it!

I trust everyone sees what’s happening here with the increased subjugation of woman, the apparent orders to murder/drown women and children at the Southern border, the saturation of the general public with high powered rifles and handguns, the regression rather than advancement of indigenous nations within the social structure. In short, government, state and federal, is in what could be an unrecoverable tailspin.

Now, before you shake your head and raise a clenched fist, keep in mind Christianity is now and always has been all about smiting down women and children. It’s what their god commands; it’s what they FAITHFULLY carry out.

There are a plethora of verses attesting to this, but one of my personal all time favorites is Ezekiel 9:6: “Kill them all—old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the MARK. Begin right here at the Temple. So THEY began by killing the seventy leaders.”

Okay! I know! A few CONTRADICTIONS; yes, and interestingly enough, the most blatant contradiction being conflict with the 6th Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill. But hey, it happens.

So, when the Governor says he has the absolute RIGHT, the ordained RESPONSIBILITY to protect ALL Texas Christians, to defend the Southern border from armed invasion…no, wait, from other, NOT Texas Christians, despite they are only seeking safe passage through THEIR homeland, seeking refuge for their children, seeking to protect their elderly. All the governor has to do is pull out his well worn good book and read a little Ezekiel.

But still, I can’t help but wonder. WWJD?

LGBTQS is NOT An Exclusive Human Experience!

For those of you still listening to politicians, alleged priests,, as they butcher and bumble the whole birds and bees thing, listen up, I have a message direct from someone who refferd to itself with the adjective Free.

You see, when the human race thing was concocted (it’s word, not mine) all that was directed was, “Now, my children, go forth, love and watch over each other! And oh yes, those who feel so moved, multiply!”

Contrary to popular MISINFORMATION, there was no, “Boys! Remember! ONLY with girls! And girls, ONLY with boys! No, none of that nonsense; there is no reason ANYONE of you should ever be alone, never.”

Then Free raised up onto it’s tippy toes to peer over the heads of all before it, gazing deep into the woods, into the tall grasses, up into the skys, and even deep into the oceans, and it called out in a thunderous voice, “And that goes for all you critters out there, big and small! I know you can hear me!”

And from every nook and cranny, from behind stones and sand dunes,they fluttered and flapped and growled and howled, and neighed, chirped, and leaped high out of the waters, all in joyous song.

And that, boys and girls, is why no matter the species found on the surface, and beneath, no matter feathered or furred, protected by scales or leathery hide, you can see throughout the surface of this globe, same sex animals paired in adoring couples nurturing, supporting, encouraging each other through this hate filled existence marred with misguided losers, and having to avoid the truly damned and ignorant.

Please like and share and win a cookie. I’ll be here all week!

Are politicians human?

EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING is born transgender. Although I question whether politicians fall under the heading of human, I believe they must ACCEPT that all their constituents are. What these morons fail to acknowledge is sexual identification is a CONSCIOUSNESS issue, NOT a physicality one. Consider that, in many cases, a child is born Intersex, and (for the politicians) I’ll explain that this child is born with both female and male genitalia. Even in these cases, the parents attempt to FORCE a gender choice, subjecting the child to surgical CORRECTION to reflect THEIR choice. EVERY child is an INDIVIDUAL and must be protected from ignorant politicians, parents, and the physician that will cut into anything for the sake of not only a dollar, but a phony religious belief as well.

Intelligent My Fat Asterisk!

I truly find it interesting that Man refers to himself as an intelligent being. Granted, he was intelligent enough to concoct the word (late 14th century), scribing it’s definition as “one able to comprehend truths.”

Sadly, though, throughout his existence, Man has been unable, unwilling, or simply to ignorant to acknowledge truths. Instead, he opts to fabricate fantastic fictional tales in which he is the hero, the victim, a disciple of a omniscient deity, a flamboyant discoverer of lands (already inhabited), a mighty warrior defending the helpless, and my personal favorite, the master of the universe!

When someone corrects one of his fabrications with truth, Man simply reaffirms his lies as factual, assumes the victim role, cries foul, and denounces the truth as an infringement of his cultural history.

Man has been playing this pathetic role for so long, he apparently cannot now comprehend the most blatant of truths; not even the simple fact that ALL men are created equal.

More, far to many men cannot accept the fact that women ARE NOT “the gate to hell,” “Eve the temptress that we must beware of,” “a misbegotten man,” and on and on.

Man even has difficulty recognizing other men as cohabitants on this isolated spinning space rock.

Conclusion: Man needs to come to terms with reality, get a grip on his machismo self, and as we were told in the bush while dodging enemy rounds he needs to lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!

Sexual Inversion: It’s Here to Stay

If you are one of the multitude listening to so called qualified(?) politicians thrashing LGBTQ citizens because GOD is anti-LGBTQ, pat yourself on the back for being one of their gullible buffons; I can just hear these losers laughing it up at their ability to so easily set that little hook in your cheek and pull you along effortlessly.

I, on the other hand, am just a writer who always delves into the RESEARCH first, ensuring what I’m offering my readers is FACTUAL and VERIFIABLE, before releasing a word on my platform(s).

My sources in everything sexual are ground breaking researchers who PUBLISHED their findings (and made it all readily available), so that people SINCERELY seeking TRUE data/answers wouldn’t have to reply on LIARS and/or IGNORAMUS intentionally MAKING THINGS UP to misinform, distract, or otherwise confuse the public.

Having said that understand this; per Dr. Havelock Ellis, as published in his 6 volume series Studies in the Psychology of Sex, titles Volume 2 Sexual Inversion (homosexuality/same sex relationships). In this volume, Dr Ellis covers essentially every aspect of Sexual Inversion, including the top to bottom social ties, the closeted husbands, wives, clergy, and yes, the politicians.

It’s important to note, this enlightening volume was written sometime around 1897, and has been available FREE ever since. Yet today’s straight and narrow POLITICIANS, educated that they allegedly are, concerned for ALL citizens that they allegedly are, can’t seem to accept the TRUTH and support the RIGHTS and INCLUSIVENESS of all gender recognitions.

Please know your CANDIDATE(S); trust me, some of these people have no business holding any level of public office. If they sound unsure, or confused on this topic, on ANY topic which impacts/endangers lives out of sheer ignorance, contact them and set them straight.

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Respect and Acceptance

Basic respect and acceptance of another person form the pillars of a harmonious society.

No two individuals are the same, and even our earliest philosophers, Nietzsche, Jung, Freud, amongst others, urged us, not to follow in each other’s footsteps, rather to step off onto our own path towards Individuation.

Navigating this path, while treacherous, lined with alluring distractions and tantalizing obstacles, culminates with achievement of our true Self. (No one said it was easy, and in fact many never achieve individuation.)

So, when we embrace these principles, we acknowledge the inherent worth and dignity of not only ourselves, but every individual.

Respect means valuing someone’s opinions, beliefs, and experiences, even if they differ from our own; and let’s be honest NO TWO individuals will live the exact same experiences!)

What a boring existence we would live if we all believed alike, lived in similar cultures, all spoke the same language.

Our present existence entails listening with an open mind, treating others with kindness, and refraining from judgment.

Acceptance goes a step further, having us embracing diversity and recognizing that our differences enrich us.

By fostering respect and acceptance, we create an INCLUSIVE environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Let us cultivate these virtues and forge connections that bridge our uniqueness, fostering a world built on understanding and compassion.

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